Education: Pursuing B.S. Materials Sciences and Engineering, University of Connecticut, 2025
Bio: Victoria has been involved with Dr.Alpay’s research group since the fall of her sophomore year, where she began DFT studies on hafnia and ferroelectric nitrides. In the summer of 2023, she assisted Army Research Laboratory (ARL) with the fabrication and characterization of ferroelectric AlScN films. She also participated in the International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics in Cleveland, OH with ARL. She is now assisting the group with an Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) project while finishing her undergraduate degree. Now and in the future, she intends to analyze ferroelectric material properties from both a computational and experimental perspective.
Current Research: Ferroelectric thin films for computer hardware, nitride material modeling
Favorite Computer Command: cmd-c
Outside the Lab: Figure skating, art
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