Education: BS, physics from Fergusson college, Pune, India
Bio: I am a Ph.D. Student in the material science department, I joined the department in Fall 2022. I have completed my master’s degree in physics from Visveswaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, India. I have bachelor's degree in physics from Fergusson college, Pune, India. In VNIT, I have worked on the topological properties of non-Symmorphic topological materials NaHgX (X=As and Bi) and worked on the topological insulator during my master’s thesis using the density functional theory (DFT). My current focus is to investigate the ferroelectric properties in the novel 2D Janus monolayer with DFT and to find the optoelectronic properties of such materials.
Current Research: 2D Ferroelectric material, Janus materials
Favorite Computer Command: vi
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