Education: Ph.D. Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 2011
Bio: Before Sanjubala joined the research group in March 2016 as a post-doctoral research associate and later becoming a research scientist in 2020, she was a post-doctoral appointee at the Argonne National Laboratory in the Chemical Sciences and Engineering division. Later, she worked as a research assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in the Physics Department. Her expertise is in modelling of fundamental material properties using a combination of first-principles methodologies such as density functional theory and wave function-based quantum chemical tools.
Current Research: Exploring materials and their properties in a multi-scale regime using first-principles modeling. Physics and chemistry of surfaces, catalysis and magnetism
Favorite Computer Command: cat
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ORCID: 0000-0002-8669-8678

Optical response of nickel-based superalloy Inconel-718 for applications in additive manufacturing
E. B. Curry, S. Sahoo, C. Herrera, I. Sochnikov, S. P. Alpay, R. J. Hebert, B. G. Willis, J. Qi, and J. N. Hancock, J. Appl. Phys. 127, 245111 (2020)
Influence of Octahedral Cation Distribution in Montmorillonite on Interlayer Hydrogen Counter-Ion Retention Strength via First-Principles Calculations
Y. W. Li, C. P. Schulthess, K. Co, S. Sahoo, and S. P. Alpay, Clays Clay Miner. (2020)
Graphene Supported Single Atom Transition Metal Catalysts for Methane Activation
S. Sahoo, S. L. Suib, and S. P. Alpay, ChemCatChem 10, 3229 (2018)
Cover feature artice
Mesoporous Cobalt/Manganese Oxide: A Highly Selective Bifunctional Catalyst for Amine–Imine Transformations
B. Dutta, S. March, L. Achola, S. Sahoo, J. He, A. S. Amin, Y. Wu, S. Poges, S. P. Alpay, and S. L. Suib, Green Chem. 20, 3180 (2018) – front cover.
Front cover article
Surface Phase Diagrams of Titanium in Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen Environments: A First Principles Analysis
S. Sahoo, R. J. Hebert, and S. P. Alpay, Surface Science 677, 18 (2018).
Mesoporous Iron Sulfide for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
R. Miao, B. Dutta, S. Sahoo, J. He, W. Zhong, S.A. Cetegen, T. Jiang, S.P. Alpay, and S.L. Suib, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 13604 (2017).
Selective CO2 Sorption over Solid Amine Functionalized Mesoporous Polydivinylbenzene Network
T. Jafari, E. Moharreri, P. Toloueinia, A. S. Amin, S. Sahoo, N. Khakpash, I. Noshadi, S. P. Alpay, S. L. Suib, Journal of CO2 Utilization 19, 79 (2017).
Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt Spinel Ternary Oxide Nano-composites and Their Chemical-Converted Sulfide Nanocomposites as Efficient Electro-catalysts for Alkaline Water Splitting
R. Miao, J. He, S. Sahoo, Z. Luo, W. Zhong, S-Y. Chen, T. Jafari, B. Dutta, S. Cetegen, M. Wang, S. P. Alpay, and S. L. Suib, ACS Catal. 7, 819 (2017).