
First Place Poster Award ICACC 2020

It was announced during the ICACC 2021 conference that Cassidy Atkinson received first place in the poster competition from ICACC 2020. The title of her poster is DFT Study of the Impact of Impurities in SiC Bulk and Grain Boundaries. This work was collaborative between Army Research Laboratory and UConn.

Tulsi Patel and Dr. Hamidreza Khassaf Publish in JAP

Dr. Hamidreza Khassaf and PhD student Tulsi Patel publish their work on flexocaloric responses in ferroelectric films in the Journal of Applied Physics. They consider the flexocaloric adiabatic temperature changes for various misfit strains including the one for prototypical barium titanate on strontium titanate. See full text: http://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.5009121